Most likely you get a push and your money back. Unless you bet a book that offered odds on a draw along with win/loss odds you should get a refund.
A typical fight odds matchup should look like this:
<TABLE id=tblPropFut onmouseover="changeto(event, '#F6C88F')" onmouseout="changeback(event, '#EEEEEE')" cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR id=ignore><TD colSpan=3>European Heavyweight Title: Luan Krasniqi vs Timo Hoffman
</TD></TR><TR id=ignore><TD class=contestRow width="15%" bgColor=#8fbdf6>Sat 12/4</TD><TD class=contestRow bgColor=#8fbdf6 colSpan=2>Luan Krasniqi vs Timo Hoffman </TD></TR><TR class=hiliteRow bgColor=#eeeeee><TD class=main_body_blk width="15%">12:00 PM</TD><TD class=main_body_blk width=auto>425 Luan Krasniqi</TD><TD class=main_body_blk width="25%"> -189</TD></TR><TR class=normalRow bgColor=#eeeeee><TD width="15%"> </TD><TD class=main_body_blk width=auto>426 Timo Hoffman</TD><TD class=main_body_blk width="25%"> +169</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
In the case of a draw no one wins similar to a pick-em hockey game that ends 2-2.